Building Safe Communities

People in a support group attending a meeting

How You Can Support a Recovering Alcoholic in Your Community

• Educating yourself about Alcohol Use Disorder and recovery can help dispel myths and provide emotional support to those in recovery. • Show your support for a recovering alcoholic by providing practical help, job opportunities, or providing aftercare services. • Be supportive but not enabling and offer healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for difficult situations. […]

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Group Of People Having Discussion At Work

How the Government and Other Organizations Can Help Struggling Couples for the Sake of the Children

You may be a part of an organization that works with children and families, or you may be an individual who is passionate about family structures and child development. In either case, you want to see strong families that can provide a stable and loving home for their children. Unfortunately, not all families can do

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Partner up With These Organizations To Serve the Community Better

Securing funding for community initiatives can be a challenge. But, partnering with the right organizations can make your job easier. There are many benefits to partnering with other organizations, including increased resources, knowledge sharing, and expanded networks. When choosing partners, it is important to consider the organization’s values, objectives, and capacity to contribute to your

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people crossing the street

How Local Communities Can Help Make Pedestrians and Cyclists Feel Safer on the Road

As more and more people are walking and biking, and drivers become increasingly distracted, the number of conflicts, near-misses, and accidents has risen. Studies show that in 2019, traffic crashes injured a pedestrian every seven minutes and killed one every 85 minutes. This shows the growing need for improved pedestrian and cyclist safety in every community.

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Religion and Environment: How Faith Groups are Fighting Climate Change and What Else Can Be Done

In the future, the planet will be so hot that the ice in both poles will melt and mix with seawater. Countries everywhere will experience regular flooding; some will even disappear from the map after it goes underwater. Crops will wither under the eternal summer and refuse to grow on parched earth. Billions of people

Religion and Environment: How Faith Groups are Fighting Climate Change and What Else Can Be Done Read More »


Raise Your Kids to Fight the Negative Effects of Technology

We live in a world that has become increasingly more networked and intertwined in countless ways. Even as the pandemic has temporarily suspended our usual way of life, enforcing social isolation measures across the globe, it has also proven how we are all connected. Advances in international travel make it possible for people to go

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