Workplace productivity is a critical component of any business’ success. And among all the factors that can affect it, employee satisfaction is perhaps the most impactful. If every member of the team is happy and healthy, they can perform all of their tasks efficiently and without fail. This then drives workplace productivity upwards.
Now, one of the things that can influence the team’s satisfaction is their working environment. A good working environment is more than a good office. It should have amenities both for productivity and comfort. This way, employees get the chance to unwind occasionally from their heavy workloads.
Improving the workplace doesn’t have to be costly. It just has to be smart. Here are some budget-friendly improvements you can implement.
Stay Organised
Any workspace left in disarray has a negative impact on every member’s productivity. The mess not only affects people’s time but inhibits their thoughts and wellness, too. So, keep everything neat, place items where they should be, and throw away trash regularly. Doing these helps promote clearer thinking, and lessens the time spent looking for things because they’re all in their proper places.
For the entirety of the floor, you can choose from many different office storage units, such as pigeon holes or filing cabinets. When it comes to individual workspaces, desk organisers come in different styles that can accommodate the varied needs of each user.
Bring in Nature
Spending a lot of time working indoors can get quite stifling, which is why companies are encouraged to bridge the indoors with the outdoors by bringing in some parts of nature inside. Not only do plants improve air quality, but they also help in clearing people’s minds of negative thoughts that can arise when stressed.
When adding plants to the decor, it’s important to take note of the types that can survive indoors — away from most of the sunlight. Cacti and succulents are some low-maintenance plants that can thrive with very little sunlight and only need to be watered occasionally.
Real plants can be accompanied by fake green ones, too. While they do nothing to improve air quality, the colour green does help in relieving stress and encouraging mental healing.
Introduce Quiet Rooms
These days, open plan layouts have grown exponentially in popularity. Plenty of companies are drawn to this model because it encourages collaboration and teamwork. As a result, team members have an easier time innovating for the company.
However, this model can cause disruptions, too. With very little privacy, employees are more susceptible to distraction. Hence, the need for quiet rooms where any member of the team can go to if they need some time away from the rest of the staff.
Quiet rooms don’t have to be for productivity all the time, either. More and more companies are introducing nap spaces because they have found that the occasional downtime can help increase productivity.
You don’t need to go through a full renovation when it comes to workplace enhancement. You just need to mix these upgrades with what you already have in your office.